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Drug and Alcohol Policy

We are growing to serve you.  Visit one of our 6 clinics, 3 satellite locations & 6 physical therapy clinics.

The Company is firmly committed to the health and safety of our employees.  The Company considers the influence of drugs or alcohol in the work place to be detrimental to our employees and to our continued growth and future success.

Reporting to work with a measurable quantity of intoxicants, non-prescribed narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana or other non-prescribed controlled substances in the blood or urine of an employee is prohibited and the employee will be subject to immediate termination of employment.

The Company reserves the right to require a drug and/or alcohol test on the following occasions:

  1. As a condition of the employment.
  2. After the occurrence of any work-related injury while on Company property or during work hours which requires off premises medical treatment.
  3. When there is reason to believe in the opinion of management that an employee has reported to work or is on Company property with a measurable quantity of intoxicants, drugs, or narcotics in blood or urine.
  4. On a random basis.
  5. As part of any periodic medical examination provided or required by the Company.