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Preparing for My Surgery

We are growing to serve you.  Visit one of our 6 clinics, 3 satellite locations & 6 physical therapy clinics.

After you and your doctor decide surgery is the best treatment for your condition or injury, you may have questions and concerns. Surgery is a major commitment because it affects your lifestyle for several weeks and sometimes months after surgery. Preparing can be overwhelming, but you can make it easier on yourself and your family by knowing what to expect and making arrangements so you can enjoy peace of mind as your surgery date approaches.

Please use the links below to assist you in preparing for your orthopaedic surgery.

Basic Instruction: 0 to 7 Days Prior to My Surgery

Preparation Guide: Ambulatory Assistive Devices

Preparation Guide: Patient-Proof My Bathroom

Preparation Guide: Patient-Proof My Home

Preparation Guide: Personal Assistance

Preparation Guide: Personal Preparation

Preparation Guide: Travel Safety

For your convenience, you may download and print a pdf copy of Preparing for My Surgery that contains all the information contained in the links on this page.