Friday Night Lights Can Lead to Saturday Morning Pains
The Orthopaedic Group, P.C. is proud to bring back Saturday Sports Care for the fall 2022 sports season.
This walk-in clinic will take place every Saturday from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m., beginning August 20, 2022, and continuing through the end of October. Any athlete, whether in high school or college or professional, can walk in with an acute athletic injury without an appointment. A quick diagnosis and timely treatment may return an athlete to the game sooner.
Services you can receive at the clinic include:
- Diagnosis and treatment by the area’s top sports medicine doctors in our Sports Medicine Center of Excellence
- X-ray on premises
- MRI facility on premises
- Casting, bracing, and support
- Physical therapy consultation
There is no charge for the initial exam. X-rays, MRI, casting, bracing, and follow-up visits will incur a charge.
To visit a Saturday Sports Care Clinic, enter the clinic at the MRI Center to the left of the building. Please bring insurance information to your walk-in visit. For athletes under age 18, a parent or guardian needs to be present. A coach or trainer may be present with the athlete if there is written consent from the parent.
Save time by printing the Saturday Sports Care Parent Consent Form and bringing it with you.
For more than 40 years, patients throughout the Gulf Coast have chosen our orthopaedic doctors at The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., for specialized care in the spine, shoulder, elbow, hand, and wrist, hip, and knee, and foot and ankle.
Our fellowship-trained doctors have extensive education and experience in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating all orthopaedic injuries and conditions.
Experienced, Expert care for over 40 years.