Now open 6 days a week - no appointment needed!

No Show Policy

patient resources Thank you for trusting your medical care to The Orthopaedic Group, P.C. For more than 40 years, patients across the Gulf Coast have placed their trust in our care—specialized orthopaedic care in the spine, shoulder and elbow, hand and wrist, hip and knee, and foot and ankle. About Cancellations and Rescheduling When you […]

Billing & Insurance

At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., our account specialists are available to assist you with your billing and insurance needs. The following information is provided to assist you in contacting us and understanding our billing and insurance policies and processes. Billing Statements are sent each month for balances due from our patients. Because it is a […]

Patient Records/ Disability Forms

At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., our account specialists are available to assist you with your patient records needs. The following information is provided to assist you in contacting us and understanding our patient records processes. Medical records and form requests are processed by Healthmark Group (HMG): Patient Medical Records Authorization (downloadable PDF) Patient Records Your […]


Many prescription refills can be handled over the phone or online. Just call our prescription line at (251) 450-2748 to make your request by phone or make a request online via your patient portal. Prescriptions will not be refilled under any circumstances at night or on weekends. Calls received after 4:30 p.m. will be filled on the […]

Preparation Guide: Travel Safety

It is often recommended surgery patients refrain from traveling during recovery. However, we know travel is often unavoidable, so we advise you to keep your travel and outdoor exercise to a minimum and avoid long distances. If you must travel, keep in mind the following tips: Stop for some light stretching at random intervals during […]

Preparation Guide: Personal Preparation

Listed below are some reminders and suggestions for things to accomplish before surgery so your recovery period can be as leisurely and stress-free as possible. Taking care of some of your responsibilities beforehand can allow you to focus on your recovery, not your workload. If possible, pay your monthly bills beforehand. Then you won’t have […]

Preparation Guide: Personal Assistance

After surgery, you may require assistance from—or total dependence upon—another person when performing many daily tasks. From dressing and showering to childcare and running errands, be prepared to ask for help from people whom you and your family are comfortable with. The following is for informational purposes only and should be used at your discretion. […]

Preparation Guide: Patient-Proof My Home

You may not view them as such now, but you will have a heightened sense of awareness of the numerous hazards and obstacles in your house after surgery. By making the following adjustments, your house can be a more conducive environment to your postsurgery needs. Fix and/or be aware of any uneven flooring in your […]

Preparation Guide: Patient-Proof My Bathroom

It is important to emphasize preparing your bathroom for postsurgical use because it is an area where accidents are significantly more likely. Bathrooms are often tight spaces with slippery surfaces and small appliances or utensils. Following these precautions can help you avoid an accident that could cause re-injury. Place the toiletries that you’ll need within […]

Preparation Guide: Ambulatory Assistive Devices

As a surgical patient, using a wheelchair, crutches, walker, or other similar ambulatory devices may be necessary after your surgery. The following tips are for you to consider before surgery to help you adjust to your new equipment: Find out what type of assistive device you will be using after your surgery and visit your […]

Basic Instructions: 0 to 7 Days Prior to My Surgery

Food & Drink Please do not consume food or liquids after midnight on the evening before your surgery date due to complications associated with anesthesia. This includes mints and chewing gum. Additionally, we recommend you not smoke, chew tobacco, or consume alcohol for at least 24 hours before your surgery. Presurgery Hygiene & Dress You […]

Preparing for My Surgery

After you and your doctor decide surgery is the best treatment for your condition or injury, you may have questions and concerns. Surgery is a major commitment because it affects your lifestyle for several weeks and sometimes months after surgery. Preparing can be overwhelming, but you can make it easier on yourself and your family […]

Additional Information

Below is a short list of additional information to help you prepare for your orthopaedic appointment. Dress Comfortably We recommend that you dress in comfortable clothing appropriate for your appointment. If your injury or condition involves your neck, back, spine, shoulder, or hip, you may be asked to change into a medical robe for your […]

Personal Documentation of Injury or Condition

The information you note in your personal injury/condition documentation may include, but is not limited to the following: Date of injury or onset of condition Precise location of injury or condition Activity you were doing prior to or during the onset of the injury or condition Documentation of other medical treatment you received with regard […]

Items to Take to My Appointment

The following information is intended to assist you in determining the items to bring with you to your appointment. Identification and Insurance Information: Current photo ID Current insurance card(s) Insurance co-payment, co-insurance, and/or deductible information, if applicable Insurance referral, if applicable* * Please verify that our office has received the referral before your appointment. Having […]

Appointment Information

Verify the date and time of the appointment The time you should arrive at the office for your appointment is different than your scheduled appointment time. You may be required to complete new patient paperwork or provide personal identification and insurance information prior to being seen by your doctor. Because of this, you may be […]

Preparing for My Appointment

At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., we know that your appointment with your orthopaedic doctor is important to you, and it can be most effective if you are prepared for it. This includes having the information your doctor will need from you as well as being able to gather the information that youneed from your doctor. The […]

Patient Satisfaction Survey

To our patients: In order to provide you with the very best medical service, our doctors and staff would appreciate your feedback. You can help us to do a better job providing you and all our patients a more pleasant experience by participating in this survey. Loading…

Patient Forms

Thank you for choosing The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., for your orthopaedic care. For your convenience, you may download, print, and complete our required patient forms below. Please remember to bring your completed forms, along with the following pieces of information, to your scheduled appointment: Please use the links below to download and print our patient […]

Helpful Links

General American Academy of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS) American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) American Chronic Pain Association American Medical Association – COVID-19 Resources American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine (AOSSM) – Injury Prevention Resources American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics American Osteopathic Association American Society for Surgery […]


patient resources We are growing to serve you.  Visit one of our 6 clinics, 3 satellite locations & 6 physical therapy clinics. Emergencies If you need immediate medical assistance, please call 911. Call for an Appointment At The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., we know how important it is for you to get your appointment scheduled promptly. […]

MRI: What to Expect

An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is an imaging tool doctors use to look for and diagnose injuries that can’t otherwise be detected through X-ray. Doctors usually recommend an MRI scan to look for joint degeneration, tumors, fractures, and other musculoskeletal damage or disease. MRI scans are performed at our Airport Boulevard location in Mobile. On the day […]

FAQs about PAs

The Orthopaedic Group, P.C., utilizes physician assistants (PAs) who practice as part of the medical team in all areas of orthopaedics. Physician assistants can treat patients and write prescriptions when their supervising doctors are away. This helps to maintain continuity of care when doctors are unavailable. They are trained to recognize when patients need the attention […]

FAQ: Test & Treatment Definitions

What is an X-ray? An X-ray is a procedure performed that uses a safe form of radiation to provide a two-dimensional picture of your body to use as a screening tool to evaluate for causes of many common disorders, such as bone breaks, joint and spine injuries or conditions, and arthritis or osteoporosis. What is an MRI? […]

FAQ: Orthopaedic Specialists

What is an orthopaedic doctor?  What is an orthopaedic surgeon? An orthopaedic doctor, also known as an orthopaedist, is a medical doctor (M.D.) or a doctor of osteopathy (D.O.) who specializes in the musculoskeletal system—bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. Orthopaedic surgeons are specialized in the musculoskeletal system; many orthopaedists specialize in certain areas […]

FAQ: General Orthopaedics

What is orthopaedics? Orthopaedics (alternatively, orthopedics) is a medical specialty focused on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions, disorders, and injuries of the muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. A doctor who specializes in this medical field is called an orthopaedic (alternatively, orthopedic) surgeon. Please click here to learn more about our orthopaedic surgeons and their […]